Gain clarity, calm, and connection to your purpose through my 6-week somatic group program.



Our bodies hold profound wisdom, with 80-90% of the vagus nerve network transmitting signals from the body to the brain. When we experience stress, our deepest imprints occur at a physical level within the body itself. By creating a sense of safety in the body first, the mind follows and de-escalates the stress response.

Somatic work allows you to gently revisit past stressors and experiences at the body level. Through my program, you'll gain deeper insights into your unique patterns - untangling what no longer serves you while cultivating new practices aligned with your vision.

The result? A greater sense of empowerment, calm, and relief from intrusive thoughts and emotional turmoil. You'll reconnect with your innate wisdom, restoring mind-body balance and reigniting your sense of purpose.

For professionals seeking more peace, presence and meaning amid life's pivotal transitions, somatic exploration provides a powerful pathway home to yourself.


"The human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one's being to be experienced, explored, enriched and, thereby, educated.”

~ Thomas Hanna, Founder of Clinical Somatic Education

Gain Clarity

We will clarify what your body, heart, and mind each want for you.

In doing so, you will gain clarity in who you want to be and what you want for yourself, along with the limiting patterns that no longer serve you.

Feel Connection

When you connect deeply with yourself, you will find a deeper ability to connect with others.

Exploring somatics together in a group allow us to learn from one another, as well as to feel supported and accountable to each other.

Find Calm

A deeper mind-body connection leads to more calm.

Through engaging with your sensations and feelings, you build up your emotional regulation, capacity, empowerment, and peace.

Access Purpose

Tap into the innate wisdom and knowledge your body has been holding for you.

Doing so opens you up to insights about yourself and the underlying desires you have, and the purpose you were made for.

"I was surprised by how quickly the change in me happened, and how much I learned about myself even after the first session with Vivian."

~ Simin I.



of my clients have included the below as among the top benefits from working with me: 

  • self-esteem and confidence
  • emotional regulation
  • alignment with purpose
  • improved goal setting 


The IGNITE Somatic Group Program follows the same arc as my personal 1:1 coaching curriculum, which has seen potent results. However, the group program has the added benefit of a collective community to learn with, along with weekly somatic group circles to bring our practice to, led by Vivian. 

Many prefer group programs due to the supportive feeling of the collective, and the boost of energy, optimism, and connections they feel in learning and practicing somatics within a group setting.

Of those who participated in my pilot group program, many shared that they were surprised by how quickly they felt a shift in their sense of calm and access to their somatic vision and purpose through tapping into their body-mind connection.


The IGNITE Somatic Group Program runs for 6 weeks and follows a curriculum that builds upon each session. As a result, it is best to avoid missing sessions. All sessions are virtual at this time.

The program is structured in 2 parts:

  1. Self Discovery and Body Awareness
    Learn how to build your body intelligence through an awareness of your body's natural sensations and feelings. Gain clarity around your purpose, somatic vision, and natural resilience. 
  2. Deconditioning and Somatic Opening
    Become aware of and understand your old patterns of behaviour and body's stress responses. Together, we will open them up and start to unravel them to make way for new responses of your choosing, aligned with what you want for yourself.

"We must learn to listen to and trust our body's internal wisdom, as it holds the key to our healing."

Peter LevineFounder of Somatic Experiencing


Hello there!


Read my story  ➝

You are not alone.

I know all too well what it's like to come up against anxiety, overwhelm, and even loss through major life events.

But I also know what it is like to tap into my personal alignment, walk on, and come out the other side. Finding small respites and moments of relief that come in the midst of processing the complicated emotions. And the feeling of finding joy, trust, and eventually, vitality again in the new you that emerges.

My Ignite Somatic Program is designed to help you access your mind-body-spirit connection, leading you to uncover the most authentic version of yourself... so you feel empowered to live the life of your design.



"I have had the most amazing breakthroughs with Vivian. And this coming out of 3 years of therapy, that did nothing for me. Vivian is the most knowledgeable, kind, and patient coach I've ever met. I saw tangible results in my life after only 2 sessions with her.

Somatics is the way to go, but somatics with Vivian is just... incredible. I will always thank the universe for bringing Vivian into my life."

~ Vee M.

"Vivian's approach to Coaching is thoughtful and conscientious. She strikes a balance between scientific and integrative approaches. Establishing or reestablishing a mind-body connection into improving perceptional and emotional self-regulation revealed more insights than I expected.

A result of the practical exercises is I have been able to adopt effective techniques to manage stress, and I am more at ease, even when facing emotionally complex and stressful situations."

~ Brendan B.

"Vivian has been a very supportive Coach, her somatic approach to coaching helped me to reconnect with my body and start listening to the messages to release blockages. Vivian always listened very attentively to me and provided a safe space for me to share and go deeper in my thoughts. I always felt a sense of achievement after our sessions.

I recommend working with Vivian if you are looking for a coach that will support you through your own personal journey."

~ Natalia S.

"I really look forward to my sessions with Vivian. I greatly appreciate the safe and supportive environment she creates; I can share any area of my life and explore freely. She is a supportive, compassionate and inspiring coach, asking me insightful questions that reflect an abundance of life experience, both personally and professionally.

I come out of our sessions with greater clarity and insights about myself, as well as feeling lighter and more motivated. I highly recommend working with Vivian!"

~ Meredith H.